Nursing Diagnoses in Psychiatric Nursing Care Plans and Psychotropic Medications

(Barré) #1

CAgents Used to Treat Attention-DefiHyperactivity DisorderHAPTER (^31) cit/
● Action● ExamplesAmphetamine/Lisdexam-Metham-Dextroamphet-(Trade) Generic Namelease of norepinephrine from central noradrenergic neurons Central nervous system (CNS) stimulation is mediated by re-(Vyvanse)phetamine mixtures (Adderall; Adderall XR)dextroam-phetamine (Desoxyn)amine sulfate (Dexedrine; Dextrostat)fetamine STIMULANTS (AMPHETAMINES) (^) NERVOUS SYSTEM (CNS) CHEMICAL CLASS: CENTRAL CategoriesControlled/C-II/CC-II/CC-II/CPregnancyC-II/C ~124–5<19–13 Half-life (hr) ●●●●Indications●●● ADHD Exogenous obesityADHD NarcolepsyADHD NarcolepsyADHD Caps (ER): 5, Oral solu: Available Caps: 20, 30, 40 Tabs: 5, 7.5, Tabs: 5Forms (mg)Caps (XR): 5, 10, Tabs: 5, 1050, 60, 70 10, 12.5, 15, 20, 3015, 20, 25, 305 mg/5 mL10, 15
2506_Ch31_522-537.indd 1522 2506 Ch 31 522 - 537 .indd 152 in cerebral cortex, reticular activating system, and brainstem. 2 10/1/10 9:40:53 AM 10 / 1 / 10 9 : 40 : 53 AM

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