Nursing Diagnoses in Psychiatric Nursing Care Plans and Psychotropic Medications

(Barré) #1
●^530 Hypertension:CLONIDINEInteractions● Route and Dosage ● ● ● ● ● ADHD:Increased effects of clonidine with antidepressantsDecreased effects of Additive CNS effects with alcoholIncreased effects of hypnoticsIncreased effects of guanfacine with Decreased effects of guanfacine with or Decreased effects of clonidine with 0.1 mg/24 hr system. Dosage increments may be made every 1 2.4 mg/day. May increase dosage in increments of 0.1 mg/day at weekly 0.05 mg/day. May increase in increments of 0.05 mg at to 2 weeks when system is changed. intervals until desired response is achieved. Maximum dose: intervals of 3 to 7 days to a maximum dose of 0.3 mg/day in 0.1 mg to 0.3 mg/24 hr applied every 7 days. Initiate with divided doses.^ phenytoin●^ PSYCHOTROPIC MEDICATIONS, antihistamines, opioid analgesicsAdults and children (Catapres) Transdermal system: Adults:valproic acid levodopa PO: Initial dosage: 0.1 mg 2 times a day. ≥12 years: with clonidineCNS depressantsTransdermal system delivering verapamil with guanfacineketoconazolebarbiturates, rifampin, prazosin PO: and , and Initial dosage: beta-blockersand , including sedative/tricyclic

2 2506_Ch31_522-537.indd 1530 506 Ch 31 522 - 537 .ind● GUANFACINEHypertension (Tenex):ADHD (Intuniv):ExamplesdGeneric (Trade) Atomoxatine Name 1 (Strattera)increase to 2 mg. dosage: 1 mg once daily. May increase dose in increments satisfactory results are not achieved after 3 to 4 weeks, may achieved. Maximum dose: 4 mg/day. Tablets should not be chewed, crushed, or broken before swallowing, and should not be administered with high-fat meals. of 1 mg/day at weekly intervals until desired response is AGENTS FOR ADHD^ CHEMICAL CLASS: MISCELLANEOUS 530 (Tenex; Intuniv) Categories/ C/5.2 hr (metabolites Pregnancy Half-life (hr)6–8 hr)^ Adults and children^ Adults: ●IndicationsPO:^ ADHD1 mg daily at bedtime. If ≥6 years:Caps: 10, 18, 25, 40, Forms (mg) Available 60, 80, 100^ PO: Initial 10/1/10 9:40:57 AM 10 / 1 / 10 9 : 40 : 57 AM
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