Nursing Diagnoses in Psychiatric Nursing Care Plans and Psychotropic Medications

(Barré) #1

    1. NOTE: (^) *Anorexia, weight loss Tolerance, physical and psychological dependence stimulants)*bupropion) To reduce anorexia, the medication may be administered Tolerance develops rapidly. The drug should not be withdrawn abruptly. To do so In children with ADHD, a drug “holiday” should be Agents Used to Treat Attention-Defiily history of heart disease, heart defects, or hypertension immediately after meals. The client should be weighed determine the effectiveness of the medication and the need CNS stimulants, atomoxetine, or bupropion because of the potential for anorexia and weight loss, and temporary in-terruption of growth and development.should be obtained before these medications are prescribed. Careful monitoring of cardiovascular function during attempted periodically under direction of the physician to administration must be ongoing.sea, vomiting, abdominal cramping, headache, fatigue, could initiate the following syndrome of symptoms: nau-for continuation.issued warnings associated with CNS stimulants and atomoxetine of the risk for sudden death in patients who have cardiovascular disease. A careful personal and fam-regularly (at least weekly) when receiving therapy with The U.S. Food and Drug Administration recently (CNS stimulants; atomoxetine; cit/Hyperactivity Disorder ●(CNS^535
      2 2506_Ch31_522-537.indd 1535 506 Ch 31 522 - 537 .indd 1 9. 8. 6. 7. 5. 53 Strict oral hygiene is very important.^5 Nausea and vomiting Dry mouth
      Potential for seizures *Sedation Constipation Increase fi May be taken with food to minimize GI upset. Warn clients to refrain from driving or performing haz- Warn client t hat t his ef fect is increased by concomitant use Offer the client sugarless candy, ice, frequent sips of water Protect client from injury if seizure should occur. Instruct apy how to protect client during a seizure if one should ardous tasks until response has been established.tion are administered 4 to 6 hours apart, and doses of the sustained release medication at least 8 hours apart. weakness, mental depression, suicidal ideation, increased of alcohol and other CNS drugs.dreaming, and psychotic and signifioccur. Ensure that doses of the immediate release medica-(clonidine and guanfacine) ber and fl(clonidine and guanfacine) (atomoxetine, bupropion, clonidine, guanfacine) cant others of clients on bupropion ther- uid in diet, if not contraindicated.(atomoxetine and bupropion)(bupropion) 1 10/1/10 9:40:59 AM 0 / 1 / 10 9 : 40 : 59 AM

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