Nursing Diagnoses in Psychiatric Nursing Care Plans and Psychotropic Medications

(Barré) #1
LevelPerceptual FieldAbility to Learn

Physical Emotional/Behavioral CharacteristicsCharacteristics
PanicLearning cannot occur.Unable to focus on even one detail within the Unable to environmentconcentrateMisperceptions of the Unable to comprehend environment are common even simple directions(e.g., a perceived detail may be elaborated and out of proportion).

Dilated pupilsSense of impending doomLabored breathingTerrorSevere tremblingSleeplessnessBizarre behavior, Palpitationsincluding shouting, Diaphoresis and pallorscreaming, running Muscular incoordinationabout wildly, clinging Immobility or purpose-to anyone or anything less hyperactivityfrom which a sense of safety and security is Incoherence or inability to verbalizederivedHallucinations; delusionsExtreme withdrawal into selfSource: From Townsend, M.C. (2009). Psychiatric/mental health nurs-ing: Concepts of care in evidence-based practice (6th ed.). Philadelphia: FA Davis, p. 16.
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