Nursing Diagnoses in Psychiatric Nursing Care Plans and Psychotropic Medications

(Barré) #1

(^562) ExploringTechniqueFocusing^ ●^ APPENDIX EExplanation/Taking Delving further into a Rationalesingle idea or even a single word. Works especially well with a client who is mov-ing rapidly from one thought to another. This technique is helpful with clients ship. Especially of communication. ever, with the client who is very anxious. Focusing should not be pursued until the anxiety level has subsided.ence, or relation-subject, idea, experi-on a superfiwho tend to remain therapeutic, how-notice of a cial level not “This point seems Examplesand I can discuss it worth looking at more closely. Perhaps you together.”
2506_Appendix_E_557-569.indd 562 2506 _AppendixE 557 - 56 Seeking 9 .iclarifintion and validationdd 56 ca- 2 Striving to explain and searching for mutual understand-ing; clarifying the meaning of what has been said facilitates and increases under-standing for both client chooses not to client and nurse.pushing or prob-ing in an area that obviously creates discomfort.However, if the disclose further in-formation, the nurse should refrain from that which is vague or incomprehensible “I’m not sure that I un-“Tell me if my under-“Tell me more about “Please explain that “Do I understand situation in more derstand. Would you situation.”that particular please explain?”detail.”yours.”said...?”correctly that you standing agrees with 1 10/1/10 9:30:30 AM 0 / 1 / 10 9 : 30 : 30 AM

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