Nursing Diagnoses in Psychiatric Nursing Care Plans and Psychotropic Medications

(Barré) #1

Verbal-Presenting Voicing Techniqueimpliedizing the realitydoubt Putting into words When the client has Explanation/RationaleExpressing uncer-or is otherwise ex-reality or indicates his or her perception of the situation for the client.what the client has client who is mute indirectly; can also a misperception of the environment, the nurse defitainty as to the reality of the client’s perceptions. Often used with clients experiencing delu-sional used with the only implied or said nes “I fi“I understand that the Examples“There is no one else in “That seems rather any voices.”doubtful to me.”me.”the room but you and voices seem real to you, but I do not hear believe (or accept).” nd that hard to APPENDIX E ●^563
2506_Appendix_E_557-569.indd 563 2506 _AppendixE 557 - 569 .inAttempting ddto trans-feelingslate words into 563 When feelings are has been said and to firather than underlying true feelings.that which is tion. This clarifiverbal communica-periencing impaired expressed indirectly, the nurse tries to “desymbolize” what nd clues to the explicit.implicit es^ Ns: “You must be Ns: “It must have been Cl: “I’m way out in the Cl: “It’s a waste of time Ns: “Are you feeling that Cl: (Mute)feeling very lonely to be here. I can’t talk ocean.”to you or anyone.”very diffiwhen your husband died in the finow.”no one understands?” cult for you re.”Continued 1 10/1/10 9:30:30 AM 0 / 1 / 10 9 : 30 : 30 AM

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