Nursing Diagnoses in Psychiatric Nursing Care Plans and Psychotropic Medications

(Barré) #1
A to the short-term approach to care or to outpatient treatment than 4 to 6 weeks.tion. They are acute, not chronic, and generally last no longer determined by an individual’s personal perception of the situa-for setting limits on unacceptable behaviors, for client educa-tion, and ultimately, for helping clients, within the limits of their capability, become productive members of society.cate psychopathology.the early 1980s. During this period, psychiatric inpatient treat-ment provided sufficrises at one time or another. This does not necessarily indi-apy that were aimed at social rehabilitation. Currently, care in inpatient psychiatric facilities is shorter and more biologically based, limiting clients’ benefithe problem” (Lagerquist, 2006). All individuals experience in a milieu as treatment program. Although strategies for mi-lieu therapy are still used, they have been modifistasis, during which usual coping mechanisms cannot resolve^574 programs.● and previous problem-solving techniques are ineffective. This crisisCrises occur when an individual is exposed to a stressor Milieu therapy came into its own during the 1960s through Crises are precipitated by specifiCRISIS INTERVENTION^ ●^ is “a sudden event in one’s life that disturbs homeo-APPENDIX F cient time to implement programs of ther- t from the socialization that occurs c, identifi able events and are ed to conform

2506_Appendix_F_570-579.indd 574 2506 _AppendixF 570 - 5 higher level of functioning.”stressful situations in the future.causes the level of anxiety to rise. Panic may ensue when new type of crisis determines the method of intervention selected.tional crises, crises of anticipated life transitions, crises resulting individuals who have an urgent need. Aguilera (1998) suggests that the “focus is on the supportive, with the restoration of the from traumatic stress, maturational or developmental crises, cri-individual to his precrisis level of functioning or possibly to a ses refltechniques are employed and resolution fails to occur.of settings. Nursing process is the vehicle by which nurses assist individuals in crisis with a short-term problem-solving approach to change. A four-phase technique is used: assessment/analysis, planning of therapeutic intervention, intervention, and evalua-tion of crisis resolution and anticipatory planning. Through this structured method of assistance, nurses assist individuals in cri-sis to develop more adaptive coping strategies for dealing with 79 .iNurses regularly respond to individuals in crisis in all types Crisis intervention is designed to provide rapid assistance for nSix types of crises have been identifidd ecting psychopathology, and psychiatric emergencies. The 574 ed. They include disposi-^1 10/1/10 9:30:42 AM 0 / 1 / 10 9 : 30 : 42 AM

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