Nursing Diagnoses in Psychiatric Nursing Care Plans and Psychotropic Medications

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●^576 als. But along with rights comes an equal number of respon-rights. These rights have equal representation for all individu-by encouraging them to stand up for their own basic human Assertive behavior helps individuals feel better about themselves sibilities. Part of being assertive includes living up to these responsibilities.Biofeedback: Mental Imagery: ASSERTIVENESS TRAINING^ modifi●become aware of processes in the body that usually go un-noticed and to help bring them under voluntary control. Biological conditions, such as muscle tension, skin surface nario is most useful when taped and played back at a time by the biofeedback equipment. With special training, the individual learns to use relaxation and voluntary control to modify the biological condition, in turn indicating a considers to be a relaxing environment. The relaxing sce-when the individual wishes to achieve is often used together with other relaxation tech-niques such as deep breathing, progressive relaxation, and mental imagery.effort to reduce the body’s response to stress. The frame of reference is very personal, based on what each individual temperature, blood pressure, and heart rate, are monitored^ APPENDIX F cation of the autonomic function it represents. Bio-Biofeedback is the use of instrumentation to Mental imagery uses the imagination in an

2 2506_Appendix_F_570-579.indd 576 506 _AppendixF 570 - 5 resistance to social and occupational demands.complished through honesty, directness, appropriateness, and physical contact, gestures, facial expression, voice, flrespecting one’s own rights, as well as the rights of others.passiveviolating the basic rights of others. Individuals who respond in a such as role modeling, by receiving positive or negative rein-havior include eye contact, body posture, personal distance, ers. Those who respond stand up for their own rights while protecting the rights of oth-forcement, or by conscious choice. These patterns can take of denying their own basic human rights. passive-aggressiveness.the form of nonassertiveness, assertiveness, aggressiveness, or to develop satisfying interpersonal relationships. This is ac-ing, listening, thoughts, and content. Various techniques have 79 .iAssertive behavior increases self-esteem and the ability Individuals develop patterns of responding in various ways, Some important behavioral considerations of assertive be-nNonassertivedd - 5 aggressive 76 individuals seek to please others at the expense manner defend their own rights by expressing aggressively defend their own rights by Assertive uency, tim- individuals 1 10/1/10 9:30:42 AM 0 / 1 / 10 9 : 30 : 42 AM

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