Nursing Diagnoses in Psychiatric Nursing Care Plans and Psychotropic Medications

(Barré) #1

  1. more assertive. Some of these include the following: 3. 2. been developed to assist individuals in the process of becoming 5. 1. Assertive response: Ms. Jones: Telephone salesperson: Ms. Smith: Assertive response: about oneself. Admitting when an error has been made. Inquiring assertively. Agreeing assertively. Responding as a “broken record.”Standing up for one’s basic human rights.Assuming responsibility for one’s own statements.a calm voice what is wanted. ExampleExampleExampleExampleof power or ability. “I money by changing long-distance services.”can’t: : :: go out with you tonight.” The latter implies a lack “I “I have the right to express my opinion.” Telephone salesperson: “I want to help you save don’t want What a waste of time.”“You sure let that meeting get out of hand. (^) ing the meeting today.” “Yes, I didn’t do a very good job of conduct-to go out with you tonight,” instead of Assertively accepting negative aspects Seeking additional information about^ distance service.”^ save money!”“I can’t believe you don’t want to distance service.”“I don’t want to change my long-“I don’t want to change my long- Persistently repeating in APPENDIX F^ ●^577
    2506_Appendix_F_570-579.indd 577 2506 _AppendixF 570 - 579 6. .in Husband: Female board member: Female board member: Male board member: Male board member: Example Wife: ddcritical statements. the communication from discussing the topic at hand to ana-lyzing what is actually going on in the interaction. ExampleShifting from content to process. 577 :: dinner?”^ “ Wo u l d y o u p l e a s e c a l l m e i f y o u w i l l b e l a t e f o r with you!”“Why don’t you just get off my back! I always^ have to account for every minute of my time “Were you offended that I spoke up^ behavior offended you?”“You were so damned pushy!”“You made a real fool of yourself at for my beliefs, or was it because my beliefs are in direct opposition to yours?” the board meeting last night.”“Oh, really? Just what about my Changing the focus of 1 10/1/10 9:30:43 AM 0 / 1 / 10 9 : 30 : 43 AM

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