Nursing Diagnoses in Psychiatric Nursing Care Plans and Psychotropic Medications

(Barré) #1

ClassifiI and II Categories cation: Axes DSM-IV-TR and CodesA PPENDIX^ L


315.2 Learning Disordersof Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, Text Revision. Reprinted with permission from the. 315.4 Developmental Coordination DisorderMental RetardationNote: These are coded on Axis II.317 Mild Mental Retardation318.0 Moderate Retardation318.1 Severe Retardation318.2 Profound Mental Retardation^319 Motor Skills Disorder315.9 ● 315.00 Reading Disorder315.1 Mathematics DisorderAmerican Psychiatric Publishing.^ DIAGNOSED IN INFANCY, CHILDHOOD, OR ADOLESCENCEDISORDERS USUALLY FIRST Mental Retardation, Severity UnspecifiDisorder of Written ExpressionLearning Disorder Not Otherwise SpecifiDiagnostic and Statistical Manual edCopyright 2000, ed (NOS)

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