Nursing Diagnoses in Psychiatric Nursing Care Plans and Psychotropic Medications

(Barré) #1
Conduct Disorder Disorders Usually First Diagnosed in Infancy, Childhood, or Adolescence The 3. Extremely limited attention span. 4. Shifts from one uncompleted activity to another. 5. Impulsivity, or defiDefi 6. Diffider as a “repetitive and persistent pattern of conduct in which 7. Disruptive and intrusive behaviors inhibit acceptable social 13. They experience a greater than average number of 8. Diffi12. Often described as “perpetual motion machines,” continu- 9. Some children with ADHD are very aggressive or op-11. Boundless energy, exhibiting excessive levels of activity, 10. Low frustration tolerance and outbursts of temper are the basic rights of others or major age-appropriate societal that may lead to physical injury or the destruction of behaviors. positional. Others exhibit more regressive and immature restlessness, and fiproperty. accidents, from minor mishaps to more serious incidents ously running, jumping, wiggling, or squirming interaction.common. nedDSM-IV-TR culty forming satisfactory interpersonal relationships. culty complying with social norms. describes the essential feature of this disor- dgeting cit in inhibitory control, is common.●^27

2506_Ch02_014-053.indd Sec1:27 2506 Ch 02 014 - 053 .indd meeting the criteria for antisocial personality disorder. Con-duct disorder is divided into two subtypes based on the age at onset: childhood-onset type (onset of symptoms before age 10 years) and adolescent-onset type (absence of symptoms before age 10 years).Predisposing Factorsgirls, and the behaviors may continue into adulthood, often norms or rules are violated” (APA, 2000). The conduct is more Sserious than the ordinary mischief and pranks of children and adolescents. The disorder is more common in boys than in 1. ec 1 Physiological b. a. : 27 genetic component in temperament and an association members with the disorder.Genetics.number of conduct disorders among those who have family Birth and may be present at birth. Evidence suggests a personality traits that become evident very early in between temperament and behavioral problems later Twin studies have revealed a signifi The term temperament cantly higher refers to 1 10/1/10 9:33:19 AM 0 / 1 / 10 9 : 33 : 19 AM

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