(^28) 2.^ Psychosocial a. b. ●^ Peer Relationships.● ● pact on a child’s development. Peers play an essential role in the socialization of interpersonal competence, and skills acquired in this manner affect the child’s long-term adjustment. Studies have shown that poor peer re-lations during childhood were consistently implicated in the etiology of later deviance (Ladd, 1999). Aggression was found to be the principal cause of peer rejection, thus contributing to a cycle of maladaptive behavior.● Theory of Family Dynamics.● to family dynamics have been implicated as contributors in the predisposition to this disorder (Foley et al., 2004; Popper et al., 2003; Sadock & Sadock, 2007): ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ALTERATIONS IN PSYCHOSOCIAL ADAPTATIONParental permissivenessEarly institutional livingLarge family sizeInconsistent management with harsh disciplineAbsent fatherParental rejectionParents with antisocial personality disorder and/or alcohol dependenceFrequent shifting of parental fiAssociation with a delinquent subgroupInadequate communication patternsMarital confl ict and divorce Social groups have a signifi The following factors related gures cant im-
2506_Ch02_014-053.indd Sec1:28 2506 Ch 02 014 - 053 .ind 4. There is an absence of feelings of guilt or remorse. 1. Uses physical aggression in the violation of the rights of 3. Stealing, fi 6. Projection is a common defense mechanism. 7. Low self-esteem is manifested by a “tough guy” image. 2. The behavior pattern manifests itself in virtually all areas of 8. Characteristics include poor frustration tolerance, irritabil- 5. The use of tobacco, liquor, or nonprescribed drugs, as well 9. Symptoms of anxiety and depression are not uncommon. 10. Level of academic achievement may be low in relation to age Symptomatology d Sethe peer group’s expected age. nity). others. as the participation in sexual activities, occurs earlier than Often threatens and intimidates others.and IQ.lems. ity, and frequent temper outbursts. the child’s life (home, school, with peers, and in the commu-c 1 : 28 ghting, lying, and truancy are common prob-(Subjective and Objective Data)^1 10/1/10 9:33:19 AM 0 / 1 / 10 9 : 33 : 19 AM