Mental state, in HIV disease, 331Memory, disorders of. Monoamine oxidase inhibitors, 437–439Mental imagery, 576Mental retardation, 15–20Minerals, 382t–384tMilieu therapy, 572–574Mental status assessment, 610–617Melancholia, 127. client/patient education for, 445adverse reactions and side effects of, 437–438examples of, 436t–437tcontraindications and precautions for, 437DSM-IV-TR classifiaction of, 437movie(s) involving, 53nursing diagnoses and interventions forbrief, 622–623interactions of, 438predisposing factors in, 15symptomatology of, 15–16defiimpaired social interaction, 19–20injury risk, 16–17self-care defiimpaired verbal communication, 18–19 nition of, 15 cit, 17–18See also cation of, 595See Major depressive disorder Amnestic disordersSUBJECT INDEX ●^663
2506_Subject Index_639-682.indd 663 2506 Subject Index 639 - 68 Mood, defiMood disorders, 125–127 2 .indepressive disorders, 125–126nursing implications of, 443bipolar disorders, 145–146cyclothymic, 145route and dosage of, 438–439dd Internet references, 144movie(s) involving, 160movie(s) involving, 144nursing diagnoses and interventions fordefinursing diagnoses and interventions for 66 imbalanced nutrition: less than body requirements, impaired social interaction, 157–158injury risk, 148–149insomnia, 158–159self-/other-directed violence risk, 150–152disturbed thought processes, 153–155disturbed sensory perception, 155–156 3 nition of, 125–126152–153 nition of, 125, 145 1 10/1/10 9:42:00 AM 0 / 1 / 10 9 : 42 : 00 AM