Nursing Diagnoses in Psychiatric Nursing Care Plans and Psychotropic Medications

(Barré) #1

(^664) Motor skills disorder, DSM-IV-TR classifiMood-stabilizing drugs, 447–471nursing implications for, 468–470Internet references on, 471calcium channel blockers, 458–459antipsychotics, 459–468nursing diagnoses related to, 468anticonvulsants, 449–457client/family education on, 470–471substance-induced, 126, 146dysthymic, 126DSM-IV-TR classifiantimanic, 447–448^ predisposing factors in, 127–127substance-induced, 126symptomatology of, 128–129●^ social isolation, 135–137powerlessness, 137–139low self-esteem, 133–135impaired social interaction, 135–137suicide risk, 129–131imbalanced nutrition: less than body requirements, disturbed thought processes, 139–140disturbed sleep pattern, 142–143complicated grieving, 131–133SUBJECT INDEX140–142 cation of, 603–604 cation of, 595
2 2506_Subject Index_639-682.indd 664 506 Subject Index 639 Narcotics. National Center for Complementary Medicine and Alternative Narcissistic personality disorder, 277Needle stick, HIV disease with, 332Neglect. Mutism, in psychotic disorders, 109Neuroleptic malignant syndrome, antipsychotic-related, Neologisms, in psychotic disorders, 109Neuroendocrine disturbancesMourning, 390. Nausea- 68 Medicine, 370sedative-hypnotic-related, 520in HIV disease, 333antipsychotic-related, 494in eating disorders, 220antiparkinsonian agent-related, 508antidepressant-related, 441in dysthymic disorder, 126–127^4992 .indd 6 See 64 See Abuse and neglect OpioidsSee also Grief response; Grieving, complicated 1 10/1/10 9:42:01 AM 0 / 1 / 10 9 : 42 : 01 AM

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