Object loss theory, 127Oppositional defiOpioidsOculogyric crisis, antipsychotic-related, 499Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder, 277Obsessive-compulsive disorder, 162ObesityObject relations theory, 279–280, 541^666 USDA food guide for, 378t–379tdefinursing diagnoses and interventions forwithdrawal from, 84, 89tuse/abuse of, 73, 76t, 84, 89tintoxication with, 84, 89tInternet references on, 234–235definursing diagnoses and interventions forin premenstrual dysphoric disorder, 320^ low self-esteem, 231–233defensive coping, 32–34imbalanced nutrition: more than body requirements, disturbed body image, 231–233impaired social interaction, 34–35anxiety, 39–40 nition of, 29 nition of, 221●231–233^ SUBJECT INDEX ant disorder, 29
2 2506_Subject Index_639-682.indd 666 506 Subject Index 639 Orgasmic disorders, 205PalpitationsOverstimulation, stimulant-related, 534Pain disorder, 176–177. Other-directed violence, risk for. Pain- 68 DSM-IV-TR classifidefipredisposing factors in, 29predisposing factors in, 205, 206chronic, nursing diagnoses and interventions, in somatoform acute, in premenstrual dysphoric disorder, 321–323, 324t, symptomatology of, 29 2 .innoncompliance, 40–42325tdisorders, 180–181ineffective coping, 35–37low self-esteem, 37–38self-/other-directed violence risk, 30–32d nition of, 205d 666 cation of, 605See also Sexual pain disordersSee Violence, risk for 1 10/1/10 9:42:01 AM 0 / 1 / 10 9 : 42 : 01 AM