Paradoxical excitement, sedative-hypnotic-related, 520Panic disorder, 161Pancreatitis, alcohol-related, 79Panic, 551tPanic (anxiety), nursing diagnoses and interventions for, Pedophilia, 202Passive-aggressive personality disorder, 277–278Paralytic ileusParanoid personality disorder, 276Passion flParaphiliasParkinson’s disease, dementia in, 56Paranoid schizophrenia, 105anticholinergic-related, 508antiparkinsonian agent-related, 508165–167movie(s) involving, 217movie(s) involving, 124sedative-hypnotic-related, 519–520defistimulant-related, 534–535DSM-IV-TR classifisymptomatology of, 203nursing diagnoses and interventions for, ineffective sexuality predisposing factors in, 203patterns, 210–211 nition of, 201–203 ower, 375t cation of, 606 SUBJECT INDEX ●^667
2506_Subject Index_639-682.indd 667 2506 Subject Index 639 - 68 Peppermint, 375tPeplau, H., interpersonal theory of, 543–544Perinatal factors, in attention-defiPeer relationships, in conduct disorder, 28Peripheral neuropathy, alcohol-related, 79Personality disorders, 275–309Personal identity, disturbed, nursing diagnoses and interventions forPersonality traits, in psychological factors affecting medical Perseveration, in psychotic disorders, 109Persecution, delusions of, 147 2 .inantisocial. DSM-IV-TR classifiborderline. clusters of, 275–278condition, 265Internet references on, 309in gender identity disorders, 213–214in dissociative disorders, 196–198in borderline personality disorder, 290–292in autistic disorder, 24–25dd 667 SeeSee Antisocial personality disorder Borderline personality disorder cation of, 607 cit/hyperactivity disorder, 26 1 10/1/10 9:42:01 AM 0 / 1 / 10 9 : 42 : 01 AM