Nursing Diagnoses in Psychiatric Nursing Care Plans and Psychotropic Medications

(Barré) #1

Powerlessness, nursing diagnoses and interventions forPiget’s, J., cognitive development theory, 542Portal hypertension, 79Postnatal factors, in attention-defiPoverty, in homelessness, 342Posttrauma syndrome, forensic nursing for, 360–363Posttraumatic stress disorder, 162Pick’s disease, dementia in, 56in sexual dysfunction, 205–206in oppositional defiin abuse and neglect, 315–317in paraphilias, 203in premenstrual dysphoric disorder, 320in psychological factors affecting medical condition, 265in psychotic disorders, 107–108in separation anxiety disorder, 48in homelessness, 345–346in somatoform disorders, 177–179in Tourette’s disorder, 43in dysthymic disorder, 137–139in anxiety disorders, 170–172in eating disorders, 219–220in gender identity disorders, 212in impulse control disorders, 257in mental retardation, 15in obesity, 221 ant disorder, 29 cit/hyperactivity disorder, 26SUBJECT INDEX ●^669
2506_Subject Index_639-682.indd 669 2506 Subject Index 639 - 68 Pregnancy, sexual assault and, 361Pseudoparkinsonism, antipsychotic-related, 498Psychiatric home nursing care, 348–357Premenstrual dysphoric disorder, 320–328Prenatal factors, in attention-defiPremature ejaculation, 204Protection, ineffective, nursing diagnoses and interventions for, Progressive relaxation, 575Projection (ego defense), 547tPriapism, trazodone-related, 444 2 .inInternet references on, 328predisposing factors in, 320Internet references on, 357in HIV disease, 332–335nursing diagnoses and interventions forconsultation for, 350, 352tdefidefisymptomatology of, 321dd acute pain, 321–323, 324t, 325tineffective coping, 325–328 nition of, 348 nition of, 320 669 cit/hyperactivity disorder, 26 1 10/1/10 9:42:01 AM 0 / 1 / 10 9 : 42 : 01 AM

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