SeizuresSelective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, 422–427Selenium, 383tSelf-care defibupropion-related, 535interactions of, 517t–518tInternet references on, 521intoxication with, 89tnursing diagnoses for, 519nursing implications of, 519–520route and dosage for, 518–519use/abuse of, 85, 89twithdrawal from, 89tin mental retardation, 17–18antidepressant-related, 442in delirium, dementia, and amnestic disorders, 64–65in anxiety disorders, 173–175action of, 424adverse reactions and side effects of, 424contraindications and precautions for, 424examples of, 422t–423tinteractions of, 424–425nursing implications of, 442–443in premenstrual dysphoric disorder, 324troute and dosage for, 425–427client/family education for, 520 cit, nursing diagnoses and interventions forSUBJECT INDEX ●^673
2 2506_Subject Index_639-682.indd 673 506 Subject Index 639 - 68 Self-mutilationSelf-esteem, lowSelf-directed violence, risk for. Self-health management, ineffective, in psychiatric home 2 .innursing diagnoses and interventions forself-/other-directedin somatoform disorders, 187–188in psychotic disorders, 121–122chronic, in substance-related disorders, 97–99nursing care, 351–352dd in adjustment disorder, 249–251in disruptive behavior disorders, 37–38in delirium, dementia, and amnestic disorders, 67–68in borderline personality disorder, 292–294in obesity, 231–233in psychological factors affecting the medical condition, in Tourette’s disorder, 47–48in gender identity disorders, 216–217in dysthymic disorder, 133–135in eating disorders, 229–231 67 267–269 3 See Violence, risk for, 10/1/10 9:42:02 AM 10 / 1 / 10 9 : 42 : 02 AM