Sociocultural factors^676 Splitting, 280, 281Spiritual distress, risk for, nursing diagnoses and interventions Social phobia, 161–162SSRIs. SpecifiSomatoform disorders, 176–177Somatization disorder, 176Sodium chloride, intake of, 384St. John’s wort, 375tnursing diagnoses and interventions forin somatoform disorders, 178DSM-IV-TR classififor, 404–405Internet references on, 190background assessment data, 176symptomatology of, 179in aggressive behavior, 312in psychotic disorders, 108predisposing factors for, 177–179^ ineffective coping, 181–183defichronic pain, 180–181disturbed body image, 183–185self-care defidisturbed sensory perception, 185–186● c phobia, 162^ See cient knowledge, 188–190SUBJECT INDEX Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors cit, 187–188 cation of, 604
2 2506_Subject Index_639-682.indd 676 506 Subject Index 639 Stressful eventsStressStimulants, 522–525. Stress-adaptation model, in adjustment disorder, 237–238Substance abuse, 65Sublimation (ego defense), 546t–547t- 68 Internet references on, 537posttraumatic, 162acute, 162withdrawal from, 87t, 91use/abuse of, 73, 75t, 87tnursing implications of, 534–535nursing diagnoses related to, 534methylphenidate, 525–528in psychotic disorders, 108in separation anxiety disorder, 48dexmethylphenidate, 525–528client/family education for, 536–537relocation stress syndrome, nursing diagnoses and in premenstrual dysphoric disorder, 327 2 .ininterventions for, 253–255dd 676 See also Amphetamines 1 10/1/10 9:42:03 AM 0 / 1 / 10 9 : 42 : 03 AM