Substance dependence, 71–72Substance intoxicationSubstance-related disorders, 71–104. Substance-induced disorders, 72defidepressed mood disorder, 126, 146opioid, 84alcohol, 79amphetamine, 81anxiolytic, 85cannabis, 81cocaine, 82nursing diagnoses and interventions formanic, 147hallucinogen, 83inhalant, 83in homelessness, 343PCP, 85sedative-hypnotic, 85movie(s) involving, 104DSM-IV-TR classifidepressive, 146amnestic, 58anxiety, 163DEA substance schedule and, 626–627chronic low self-esteem, 97–99 nition of, 72 cation of, 598–602See alsoSUBJECT INDEX Withdrawal, substance●^677
2 2506_Subject Index_639-682.indd 677 506 Subject Index 639 - 682 .inpatterns of usedd cocaine, 82, 88thallucinogen, 82–83hypnotic, 85, 89tinhalant, 83, 88tnicotine, 83–84, 88topioid, 84, 89tphencyclidine, 85, 89tsedative, 85, 89tdysfunctional family processes, 101–104imbalanced nutrition: less than body requirement, 95–97ineffective coping, 94–95ineffective denial, 92–93injury risk, 86, 90–92Internet references on, 104defialcohol, 78–80, 87tamphetamine, 81, 87tanxiolytic, 85, 89tcaffeine, 87tcannabis, 81, 88t 677 cient knowledge, 99–100 10/1/10 9:42:03 AM 10 / 1 / 10 9 : 42 : 03 AM