[Verbalized or observed] discomfort in social situations[Impulsiveness]port person within 1 week.Client will develop a one-to-one relationship with nurse or sup-Short-term Goal●Goals/ObjectivesDysfunctional interaction with othersDefi[Observed] use of unsuccessful social interaction behaviors[Verbalized or observed] inability to receive or communicate ity of social exchange Possible Etiologies (“related to”)Self-concept disturbance[Low tolerance for frustration]^46 [Oppositional behavior][Aggressive behavior]DefiLong-term Goal^ history^ a satisfying sense of belonging, caring, interest, or shared IMPAIRED SOCIAL INTERACTION nition: ning Characteristics (“evidenced by”)●^ ALTERATIONS IN PSYCHOSOCIAL ADAPTATION Insuf fi cient or excessive quantity or ineffective qual-
2 2506_Ch02_014-053.indd Sec1:46 506 Ch 02 014 - 053 .ind 3. Provide group situations for client. appropriate, acceptable behaviors. 4. Act as a role model for client through appropriate interac- 1. Develop a trusting relationship with client. Conveyac- 2. Discuss with client which behaviors are and are not accept-Client will be able to interact with staff and peers using age-Interventions with d Sself-worth.behavior. unacceptable behavior. Follow through. able. Describe in matter-of-fact manner the consequences of tions with others. peers.ior is often learned from the positive and negative feedback of ceptance of the person separate from the unacceptable one of the strongest forms of learning.ment can alter undesirable behaviors.ec 1 : 46 Unconditional acceptance increases feelings of Selected RationalesRole modeling of a respected individual is Appropriate social behav-^ Aversive reinforce- 10/1/10 9:33:25 AM 10 / 1 / 10 9 : 33 : 25 AM