- Impairment in abstract thinking, judgment, and impulse The following symptoms have been identifiSymptomatology of dementia: 11. 1. Memory impairment (impaired ability to learn new informa- 10. 3. Impairment in language ability, such as diffiobjects. In some instances, the individual may not speak at all (aphasia).control.tion or to recall previously learned information).dementia is related to the persisting effects of substances imbalances, nutritional deficemia, hypothyroidism), pulmonary disease, hepatic or renal uncontrolled epilepsy, and other neurological conditions such as multiple sclerosis (APA, 2000).tia. Some of these include endocrine conditions (e.g., hypogly-Substance-Induced Persisting Dementia. number of other general medical conditions can cause demen-failure, cardiopulmonary insuffisuch as alcohol, inhalants, sedatives, hypnotics, anxiolyt-ics, other medications, and environmental toxins. The term “persisting” is used to indicate that the dementia persists long after the effects of substance intoxication or substance withdrawal have subsided.Dementia Due to Other General Medical Conditions. lesions, central nervous system (CNS) or systemic infections, (Subjective and Objective Data)Delirium, Dementia, and Amnestic Disorders ciencies, frontal or temporal lobe ciency, fl ed with the syndrome uid and electrolyte culty naming This type of^ ●^57 A