Create mobile apps with HTML5, JavaScript and Visual Studio

(Elle) #1 February 2014 25

that even understands units of measure, and you’ve got a powerful

tool for performing calculations on large sets of data.

Th ere’s much more to F# and other functional languages that’s

still far beyond my reach. But what I want to do in this column

is focus on a way to quickly benefit from one particular aspect

of functional languages without making a huge investment:

moving logic from the database into my application. Th is is the way

I like to learn: fi nd a few things I can understand and use them to

take some baby steps into a new platform, language, framework

or other type of tool.

I’ve heard Reese try to make it clear to developers that using

F# doesn’t mean switching development languages. In the same

way you might use a LINQ query or a stored procedure to solve a

particular problem, you can create a library of F# methods to solve

the kinds of problems in your app that functional languages are

really good at.

What I’ll focus on here is extracting business logic that was built into

my database, logic for handling large sets of data—something at which

the database is excellent—and replacing it with functional methods.

And because F# is designed to work with sets and is really clever

with mathematical functions, the code can be more effi cient than

it might be in SQL or in procedural languages such as C# or Visual

Basic. It’s so easy to have F# execute the logic on the items in the

set in parallel. Not only can this reduce the amount of code you’d

likely need in a procedural language to emulate this behavior, the

parallelization means the code will run much faster. You could

design your C# code to run in parallel, but I’d rather not go through

that eff ort, either.

A Real-World Problem

Many years ago, I wrote a Visual Basic 5 app that had to collect,

maintain, and report a lot of scientifi c data and perform a lot of

calculations. Some of those calculations were so complex I sent

them to an Excel API.

One of the calculations involved determining the pounds per

square inch (PSI) based on the amount of weight that caused

a chunk of material to break. Th e chunk could be any one of a

number of cylindrical shapes and sizes. The app would use the

measurements of the cylinder and, depending on its shape and

size, a specifi c formula to calculate its area. It would then apply a

relevant tolerance factor and, fi nally, the amount of weight it took

to break the cylinder. All of this together provided the PSI for the

particular material being tested.

In 1997, leveraging the Excel API to evaluate the formula from within

Visual Basic 5 and Visual Basic 6 felt like a pretty clever solution.

Moving the Eval

Years later, I revamped the application in .NET. At that time, I

decided to take advantage of the power of SQL Server to execute

the PSI calculation on large sets of cylinders aft er they were updated

by a user, rather than having the user’s computer spend time on all

of those calculations. Th at worked out pretty well.

More years passed and my ideas about business logic in the

database changed. I wanted to pull that calculation back to the

client side and, of course, the client machines were faster by then,

anyway. It wasn’t too diffi cult to rewrite the logic in C#. Aft er a user

updated a series of cylinders with the weight it took to break them

(the load, represented in pounds), the app would iterate through

the updated cylinders and calculate the PSI. Th en I could update

cylinders in the database with their new loads and PSI values.

For the sake of comparing familiar C# to the fi nal outcome in F#

(which you’ll see shortly), I’ve provided the listing of the cylinder

type, CylinderMeasurements, in Figure 1 and my C# Calculator

class in Figure 2, so you can see how I derive the PSIs for a set of

public static class CylinderCalculator
private static CylinderMeasurement _currentCyl;

public static void UpdateCylinders(IEnumerable<CylinderMeasurement> cyls) {
foreach (var cyl in cyls)
_currentCyl = cyl;
cyl.Psi = GetPsi();

private static double GetPsi() {
var area = GetAreaForCylinder();
return PsiCalculator(area);

private static double GetAreaForCylinder() {
switch (_currentCyl.CylinderType)
case CylinderType.FourFourEightCylinder:
return 3.14159*((_currentCyl.WidthA + _currentCyl.WidthB)/2)/2*
((_currentCyl.WidthA + _currentCyl.WidthB)/2/2);
case CylinderType.SixSixTwelveCylinder:
return 3.14159*((_currentCyl.WidthA + _currentCyl.WidthB)/2)/2*
((_currentCyl.WidthA + _currentCyl.WidthB)/2/2);
case CylinderType.ThreeThreeSixCylinder:
return _currentCyl.WidthA*_currentCyl.WidthB;
case CylinderType.TwoTwoTwoCylinder:
return ((_currentCyl.WidthA + _currentCyl.WidthB)/2)*
((_currentCyl.WidthA + _currentCyl.WidthB)/2);
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();

private static int PsiCalculator(double area) {
if (_currentCyl.LoadPounds > 0 && area > 0)
return (int) (Math.Round(_currentCyl.LoadPounds/area/1000*
_currentCyl.ToleranceFactor, 2)*1000);
return 0;

Figure 2 Calculator Class to Calculate PSI

You can create a library of

F# methods to solve the kinds

of problems in your app that

functional languages are

really good at.

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