Create mobile apps with HTML5, JavaScript and Visual Studio

(Elle) #1 1-925-236-3830

Extreme Performance Linear Scalability

Download a FREE trial!

100% .NET 100% Java

Remove data storage performance bottlenecks and scale your applications to extreme transaction processing

(XTP). Cache data in memory and reduce expensive database trips. NCache scales linearly by letting you add

inexpensive cache servers at runtime. JvCache is 100% Java implementation of NCache.

Enterprise Distributed Cache

Extremely fast & linearly scalable with 100% uptime

Mirrored, Replicated, Partitioned, and Client Cache

NHibernate & Entity Framework Level-2 Cache

ASP.NET Optimization in Web Farms

ASP.NET Session State storage

ASP.NET View State cache

ASP.NET Output Cache provider

ASP.NET JavaScript merge/minify

Runtime Data Sharing

Powerful event notifications for pub/sub data sharing

For .NET & Java Apps

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