Create mobile apps with HTML5, JavaScript and Visual Studio

(Elle) #1 February 2014 33

feature can be found in the “Debugging Asynchronous Code in Visual

Studio 2013—Call Stack enhancements” blog post at

Th e Tasks window in Visual Studio 2013 is designed to help you

understand the state of async tasks in your apps by displaying all

the currently running and scheduled tasks. It’s a replacement for the

Parallel Tasks window that was available in previous Visual Studio

versions. Figure 4 shows a snapshot of a Visual Studio 2013 Tasks

window for the sample code given in Figure 1.

x64 Edit and Continue This was a popular debugger feature

request, with more than 2,600 votes on the Visual Studio UserVoice

site where users can request new features ( Developers

have loved using the Edit and Continue feature since it was intro-

duced with Visual Studio 2005 and the .NET Framework 2.0

release, for x86 projects. Edit and Continue makes it easier to write

the correct code by letting you change the source code during a

debugging session, while app state is available. You can even move

the instruction pointer so you can replay code aft er making a change.

It provides a more productive development experience because you

don’t have to stop and restart the session to validate your changes.

x64 support for Edit and Continue is now enabled with Visual

Studio 2013 and the .NET Framework 4.5.1

release. You can use this feature for debugging

desktop applications (Windows Presentation

Foundation, Windows Forms and so on),

Windows Store apps, ASP.NET Web applications

and Windows Azure Cloud Services projects

targeting x64, AnyCPU or x86 architectures.

Managed Return Value Inspection

Debugger support for managed return values is

another popular request with more than 1,000

votes on the UserVoice site. Th e Visual C++

debugger has an existing feature that allows you

to observe the return values of methods, and

we wanted the same capability for .NET as well.

Th is feature is useful for many code patterns.

However, you can really see its value with nested

methods, as demonstrated in Figure 5. Wit h

this feature, you no longer have to worry about storing the results

of your methods in locals solely to make debugging easier. When

you step over a method call, both direct return values and the

return values of the embedded methods will be displayed in the Autos

window along with the parameter values passed to the functions.

You can also use the Immediate window to access the last return

value through the use of the new $ReturnValue pseudo-variable.

Windows Store Development Enhancements We responded

to feedback and provided .NET support for new Windows

Runtime (WinRT) features to improve the .NET Windows Store

app development experience.

One of the pain points was converting a .NET Stream to a WinRT

IRandomAccessStream. In the .NET Framework 4.5.1, we added a new

extension method, AsRandomAccessStream, for System.IO.Stream

to solve this problem. You can now write the following code, which

allows you to easily provide an IRandomAccessStream:

// EXAMPLE: Get image from URL via networking I/O
var client = new HttpClient();
Stream stream = await client.GetStreamAsync(imageUrl);
var memStream = new MemoryStream();
await stream.CopyToAsync(memStream);
memStream.Position = 0;
var bitmap = new BitmapImage();
image.Source = bitmap;

Th is example code reads an image from the Web and displays it

in a XAML Image control (represented by the “image” variable).

Another improvement is error propagation in the Windows

Runtime. Th e Windows Runtime, in Windows 8.1, enables exceptions

to pass between WinRT components. With this support, an exception

can be thrown from a C++ WinRT component and be caught in C#

(or vice versa). Additional information for the exception is now avail-

able via the Message and StackTrace properties on System.Exception.

Th e Windows Runtime also added support for nullable value

types in structures. You can build managed WinRT components

that expose structs with this new feature, such as in this sample code:

public struct PatientRecord
public string Name;
public int Age;
public string HomeAddress;
// InsuranceID is nullable
public int? InsuranceId;

private async void ShowSampleImg_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
string imgUri = "";
BitmapImage bitmap = new BitmapImage();
bitmap.StreamSource = await GetSampleImgMemStream(imgUri);
sampleImg.Source = bitmap;
private async Task<MemoryStream> GetSampleImgMemStream(string srcUri)
Stream stream = await GetSampleImage(srcUri);
var memStream = new MemoryStream();
await stream.CopyToAsync(memStream);
memStream.Position = 0;
return memStream;
private async Task<Stream> GetSampleImage(string srcUri)
HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
Stream stream = await client.GetStreamAsync(srcUri);
return stream;

Figure 1 Asynchronous Code Sample

Figure 3 Visual Studio 2013 Call Stack Window

Figure 2 Visual Studio 2012 Call Stack Window

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