Create mobile apps with HTML5, JavaScript and Visual Studio

(Elle) #1

48 msdn magazine WinJS on Windows 8.1

Th ankfully, I can fi x this easily with only a few changes to my code.

Implementing the Dispose Pattern in WinJS

In WinJS 2.0, all of the WinJS controls implement a “dispose” pattern

to address the issue of memory leaks. Whenever a WinJS control

falls out of scope (for example, when the user navigates to another

page), WinJS cleans up all references to it. The control is marked

for disposal, meaning that the internal Garbage Collector knows

to release all the memory allocated to the object.

The dispose pattern in WinJS has three important character-

istics that a control must provide

in order to be properly disposed:

  • The top-level container

DOM element must have the

CSS class “win-disposable.”

  • The control’s class must

include a field called

_disposed that is initially

set to false. You can add this

member to a control (along

with the win-disposable CSS

class) by calling WinJS.Util-


  • Th e JavaScript class that

defi nes the control must

expose a “dispose” method.

In the dispose method:

  • All memory allocated

to objects associated

with the control needs

to be released.

  • All event handlers need

to be detached from the

child DOM objects.

  • All children of the

control must have their

dispose methods called.

Th e best way to do this

is by calling WinJS.Util-

ities.disposeSubTree on

the host element.

  • All outstanding promises

that might be referenced

within the control need

to be canceled (by call-

ing the Promise.cancel

method and then nulling

the variable out).

So, in the constructor function

for SearchLOCControl.Control,

I add the following lines of code:

this._disposed = false;

Next, inside the SearchLOC-

Control class defi nition (the call to

WinJS.Class.defi ne), I add a new instance member named dispose.

Here’s the code for the dispose method:

dispose: function () {
this._disposed = true;



this.searchQuery = null;
this._element.winControl = null;
this._element = null;

Figure 10 Roots View After Implementing Dispose

Figure 9 Dominators View After Implementing Dispose

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