Create mobile apps with HTML5, JavaScript and Visual Studio

(Elle) #1

50 msdn magazine WinJS on Windows 8.1

Generally speaking, you don’t need to clean up any variable in

your code that’s entirely contained within the code for the element.

When the code for the control goes away, so do all of the internal

variables. However, if the code for the control references something

outside of itself—such as a DOM element, for example—then that

reference will need to be nulled out.

Finally, I add an explicit call to the dispose method in dispose.js

(/pages/dispose/dispose.js). Here’s the updated click event handler

for the button in dispose.html:

$("#dispose").click(function () {
var searchControl = $("#searchControl")[0];
searchControl.innerHTML = "";

Now when I run the same JavaScript memory test, the diagnostics

session looks much better (see Figure 8).

Examining the memory heap, I can see the “searchControl”

no longer has child elements associated with it (see Figure

9 ). None of the sub controls remain in memory and the associated

event handlers are gone, too (see Figure 10).

Improving Responsiveness:

Scheduler and Web Workers

Apps can become unresponsive when the UI is waiting to be

updated based on an external process. For example, if an app

makes multiple requests to a Web service in order to populate a UI

control, the control—the entire UI, for that matter—can get stuck

while waiting on the requests. Th is can cause the app to stutter or

seem unresponsive.

To demonstrate this, I create another test case where I popu-

late a Hub control with the “featured collections” provided by the

Library of Congress Web service. I add a new Page Control named

scheduler.html for the test case to my project (/pages/scheduler/

scheduler.js). In the HTML for the page, I declare a Hub control

that contains six HubSection controls (one for each featured

collection). Th e HTML for the Hub control inside the

tags in scheduler.html is shown in Figure 11.

Next, I get the featured collections data from the Web service. I’ll

add a new fi le named data.js to my solution (/js/data.js) that calls

the Web service and returns a WinJS.Binding.List object. Figure

12 shows the code for getting the featured collections data. Again,

remember to link to data.js from default.html.

Now I need to insert the data into the Hub control. In the

scheduler.js fi le (/pages/scheduler/scheduler.js), I’ll add some code

to the PageControl.ready function and define a new function,

populateSection. Th e complete code is shown in Figure 13.

Note in Figure 13 that I capture a reference to the promise

returned by the call to Data.getFeaturedCollections and then

explicitly cancel the promise when the page unloads. Th is avoids

a possible race condition in a scenario where the user navigates to

the page and then navigates away before the call to getFeatured-

Collections has returned.

When I press F5 and navigate to scheduler.html, I notice the

Hub control populates slowly aft er the page loads. It may be merely

annoying on my machine, but on less powerful machines the lag

could be signifi cant.

Visual Studio 2013 includes tools for measuring the respon-

siveness of the UI in a Windows Store app. In the Performance

and Diagnostics pane, I select the HTML UI Responsiveness

test and then click Start. Aft er the app starts running, I navigate

to scheduler.html and watch the results appear in the Hub

control. Once I’ve completed the task, I switch back to the

<div id="featuredHub" data-win-control="WinJS.UI.Hub">
<div data-win-control="WinJS.UI.HubSection"
header: 'Featured Collection 1'
<div data-win-control="WinJS.UI.HubSection"
header: 'Featured Collection 2'
<div data-win-control="WinJS.UI.HubSection"
header: 'Featured Collection 3'
<div data-win-control="WinJS.UI.HubSection"
header: 'Featured Collection 4'
<div data-win-control="WinJS.UI.HubSection"
header: 'Featured Collection 5'
<div data-win-control="WinJS.UI.HubSection"
header: 'Featured Collection 6'

Figure 11 Hub and HubSection Controls

Declared in Scheduler.html

(function () {
"use strict";

var data = LOCPictures.getCollections().
then(function (message) {
var data = message;
var dataList = new WinJS.Binding.List(data);

var collectionTasks = [];
for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++) {

return WinJS.Promise.join(collectionTasks).then(function () {
return dataList;

function getFeaturedCollection(collection) {
return LOCPictures.getCollection(collection);

WinJS.Namespace.define("Data", {
featuredCollections: data

Figure 1 2 Getting the Data from the Web Service

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