Create mobile apps with HTML5, JavaScript and Visual Studio

(Elle) #1

56 msdn magazine WinJS on Windows 8.1

Workers can access the Windows Runtime APIs, which means they

can write to app data, issue toasts and tile updates, or even save fi les.

Th ey’re well-suited for background tasks that require no input from

the user, are computationally expensive or require multiple calls to a

Web service. If you want more information about the Web Worker

API, see the Worker reference documentation at lmip.

Th e benefi t of using a Worker

thread is that UI responsiveness

won’t be affected by the back-

ground work. The UI remains

responsive and practically no

frames are dropped. Also, Work-

ers can import other JavaScript

libraries that don’t rely on the

DOM, including the fundamental

library for WinJS (base.js). So, you

can, for instance, create promises

in a Worker thread.

On the other hand, Workers

aren’t a cure-all for performance

issues. Th e cycles for the Worker

threads are still being allocated

from the total CPU cycles avail-

able on the machine, even if they

aren’t coming from the UI thread.

You need to be judicious about

using Workers.

For the next test case, I’ll use

a Worker thread to retrieve a

collection of images from the Library of Congress and populate

a ListView control with those pictures. First, I’ll add a new script

to store the Worker thread named LOC-worker.js to my project,

as follows:

(function () {
"use strict";
self.addEventListener("message", function (message) {
importScripts("//Microsoft.WinJS.2.0/js/base.js", "searchLoC.js");
function (response) {

I use the importScripts function to bring base.js from the WinJS

library and seachLOC.js scripts into the Worker’s context, making

them available for use.

Next, I add a new Page Control item named worker.html to my

project (/pages/worker/worker.html). I add a little markup within


tags in worker.html to contain the ListView control

and defi ne its layout. Th e control will be created dynamically when

the Worker returns:

<div id="collection" class='searchList'>
<progress class="win-ring"></progress>
<div id='searchResultsTemplate' data-win-control='WinJS.Binding.Template'>
<div class='searchResultsItem'>
<img src='#' data-win-bind='src: pictureThumb' />
<div class='details'>
<p data-win-bind='textContent: title'></p>
<p data-win-bind='textContent: date'></p>

Finally, I add the code to worker.js that creates a new Worker

thread and then populates the HTML based on the response. Th e

code in worker.js is shown in Figure 18.

When you run the app and navigate to the page, you’ll notice

minimal lag between navigation and populating the ListView

Figure 17 HTML UI Responsiveness After Using Scheduler.js

Adding new elements to the DOM on an HTML page

can hurt performance, particularly if you’re adding more than a

handful of new elements. The page needs to recalculate the

positions of the other items on the page, then reapply styles, and,

fi nally, repaint the page. For example, a CSS instruction that sets

the top, left, width, height, or display style for an element will cause

the page to be recalculated. (I recommend using either the built-in

animation features in WinJS or the animation transforms available

in CSS3 for manipulating the position of HTML elements instead.)

Yet injecting and displaying dynamic content is a common

app design. Your best option for performance, when possible, is

to use the data binding provided by the platform. Data binding in

WinJS is optimized for a quick and responsive UX.

Otherwise, you’ll need to decide between injecting raw HTML

as a string into another element with innerHTML, or adding

individual elements one at a time using createElement and

appendChild. Using innerHTML will most often provide better

performance, but you might not be able to manipulate the HTML

once it’s been inserted.

In my examples, I chose the $.append method in jQuery. With

append, I can pass along raw HTML as a string and get immediate

programmatic access to the new DOM nodes. (It also provides

pretty good performance.)

Manipulating the DOM

Affects UI Responsiveness

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