Create mobile apps with HTML5, JavaScript and Visual Studio

(Elle) #1

58 msdn magazine WinJS on Windows 8.1

control with images. If you run this test case through the HTML

UI responsiveness tool, you’ll see output similar to what’s shown

in Figure 19.

Notice the app dropped very few frames aft er I navigated to the

worker.html page (aft er the fi rst user mark in the timeline). Th e UI

remained incredibly responsive because the fetching of data was

off -loaded to the Worker thread.

When to Choose between

the Scheduler and Worker APIs

Because both the Scheduler and the Worker APIs let you manage

background tasks in your code, you might be wondering when to

use one over the other. (Please note that the two code samples I’ve

provided in this article aren’t a fair “apples to apples” comparison

of the two APIs.)

Th e Worker API, because it runs on a diff erent thread, provides

better performance than Scheduler in a head-to-head comparison.

However, because the Scheduler uses timeslices of the UI thread,

it has the context of the current page. You can use the Scheduler

to update UI elements on a page or dynamically create new

elements on the page.

If your background code needs to interact with the UI in any

kind of meaningful way, you should use Scheduler. However, if

your code doesn’t rely on the context of the app and only pass-

es simple data back and forth, consider using a Worker. Th e ben-

efi t of using a Worker thread is that UI responsiveness won’t be

aff ected by the background work.

Th e Scheduler and Web Worker APIs aren’t your only choices for

spawning multiple threads in a Windows Store app. You can also build

a Windows Runtime Component in C++, C# or Visual Basic .NET that

can create new threads. WinRT Components can expose APIs that

the JavaScript code can call. For more information, see

I doubt many developers set out to write buggy, glitchy or unre-

sponsive apps (unless they’re writing an article about buggy, glitchy

and unresponsive apps). Th e trick is to fi nd those bugs in your

app code and fi x them, preferably before the app goes in front of

users. In this series of articles, I’ve demonstrated several tools for

catching problems in your code and techniques for writing more

effi cient app code.

Of course, none of these techniques or tools is a silver bullet that

will automatically fi x a problem.

Th ey can help improve the expe-

rience, but they don’t eliminate the

need for good coding practices. Th e

fundamentals of programming, in

general, remain as true for Window

Store apps built with JavaScript as

for any other platform. Q

ERIC SCHMIDT is a content developer in the

Microsoft Windows Developer Content

team, writing about the Windows Library

for JavaScript (WinJS). When previously

in the Microsoft Offi ce Division, he built

code samples for the apps for Office

platform. Otherwise, he spends time

with his family, plays string bass, builds

HTML5 video games, or blogs about plastic

building toys (

THANKS to the following Microsoft

technical experts for reviewing this

article: Kraig Brockschmidt, Greg

Bulmash and Josh Williams

(function () {
"use strict";
WinJS.UI.Pages.define("/pages/worker/worker.html", {
ready: function (element, options) {

performance.mark("navigated to Worker");

var getBaseballCards = new Worker('/js/LOC-worker.js'),
baseballCards = new LOCPictures.Collection({
title: "Baseball cards",
thumbFeatured: null,
code: "bbc"

getBaseballCards.onmessage = function (message) {

// Other PageControl members ...

function createCollection(info) {
var collection = new WinJS.Binding.List(,
collectionElement = $("# searchResultsTemplate")[0],
collectionList = new WinJS.UI.ListView(collectionElement, {
itemDataSource: collection.dataSource,
itemTemplate: $('#collectionTemplate')[0],
layout: {type: WinJS.UI.GridLayout}


Figure 18 Creating a Worker Thread and Then Populating the UI

Figure 19 HTML UI Responsiveness When Using a Worker Thread

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