technical NOTES

(Project Pridr) #1

Level A : All field discrete sensors /transducers information sent to Plant PLC/
DCS system
Level B : (Basic Plant Level Monitoring): DCS/PLC server will derive a localised
MIS (Management Information System) and localised reports will be generated
Level C : The DCS server integrated with Cloud historian server to further data
analysis using behavioral statically models using Artificial intelligence and
Machine learning tools for reliability and performance measurement of equipment,
parameter or KPIs
Level D : (Advanced Optimization System): Plant, Machine, Equipment specific
performance optimization and diagnostic are carried out with advance predictions
and advisory modes for required actions.

The level D real time data made available to the system to take auto corrective
and preventive actions as per desired goals and targets also for users in the
form of alerts, advisory actions to be taken in the process/business for meeting
required targets and goals. The data can be made available to the users on
their mails, mobile through applications with proper escalation matrix based
on the severity of the action required.
A typical analysis of data is as shown in the picture

d. Connecting IOT Sensors & Wired Sensors
There are a variety of connection options depending for IOT sensors, sensors
with wired LAN and sensors with Wi-Fi LAN.

On-premise system: The sensors on machines send data to a server within
your organization. The connection between sensors and the server can be wired
or Wi-Fi LAN. Users can see reports if they are on the same LAN, from within
the shop floor.

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