•ROI Calculation
Details of total cost to be incurred for using Occupancy sensors for all load
centre, PH Building & Belt conveyors across plant
17.4 Conclusion:
- LED v/s Conventional Lighting Fixtures
We recommend LED lighting fixtures shall be considered, due to longer life, energy
saving, high ROI and better reliability instead of the conventional lighting fixtures.
Below points are also merits of LED fittings. - In Payback we have not considered the lamp and service cost because LED
lamp has the life of 50K Hrs. whereas conventional lamp has only 8-10K hrs.
so we have to change the lamp frequently which involves the labour /service cost. - Now a day most of the Indian manufacturer are not manufacturing conventional
fixtures so material availability is also an issue and the prices are also
increasing in conventional fixtures. - There are no Hazardous substances in LED option.
- Energy control by using occupancy sensors on load centers, PH building & Belt
It is recommended to install Occupancy sensors for all load centre & related
areas, Pre Heater buildings & Belt conveyor area to save energy during idle
running of lighting fixtures with respect to human interventions.
Equipment Detail Qty. UOM Cost per Qty. Total Cost
Sensor Qty. 173 Nos. 7000 1211000
Cable Qty. 3000 Mtr (^1003000001861000249337) 7.5
Erection Cost (Cable
- Sensor)^1 Set^350000350000
Equipment Detail Qty. UOM Cost per Qty. Total Cost
Sensor Qty. 207 Nos. 7000 1449000
Cable Qty. 6000 Mtr (^10060000028840001197621) 2.4
Erection Cost (Cable
- Sensor)^1 Set^625000350000