technical NOTES

(Project Pridr) #1
Item UOM (In Rs.)R a t e Qty. Amount in (Lakhs) Qty. Amount in (Lakhs) Increase in price
Steel Structure MT 90000 70 63 70 63
TOTAL A+B+C Lacs 808.61 971.09 162.48
Mechanical Equipment
Elevator Spec.
Capacity TPH 450 450
Height C/C Mtrs 54.84 87
Cost/mtrs/TPH Rs./mtr/TPH 350 350
Total Cost Lacs 86 137 51
Shaft Power KW 75 144
Consumption KWh/T 0.14 0.27
Power Tariff Rs./KWh 4.5 4.5
Mill Running
hours Hrs^2121
Mill running

Power Cost/

Rs in Lacs.
/Annum 23.39 44.91^22

  • Note: Operating cost shall be validated with present condition.
    2.2 Cement Silo Capacity
    The optimum size of cement storage is closely linked to the size of cement mill
    The optimum sized cement storage must consider;

  • Types of different cements

  • Mode of Transport-Truck, Rail, Shipping

  • Destination like direct to customer or storage in godowns

  • Schedule for dispatch i.e. 5 or 6 days/Week

  • Seasonal variations
    2.2.1 Sizing Norms by Holtec and Holcim
    Both Holtec and Holcim suggest having cement silo storage capacity for 7 days
    based on cement mill capacity and low seasonal variations as per the following
    Silo Capacity= (Cement production per Annum/Working days per annum) x Storage days
    The cement silo capacity is decided based on 2 days storage in total considering
    seasonal variations at site and maintenance if any, and number of silos are decided
    based on variety of products.
    A comparative statement of both capacities of silos showing various parameters is
    shown below;

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