technical NOTES

(Project Pridr) #1

There are some advantages of hanging type also.

  • Faster placing of the trucks

  • No spiral chute is required hence less bag damages, but this can be prevented
    by putting Teflon lines or nonmetallic liners in the chute.

3.3 Comparison
The typical evaluation format between the two types of truck loaders is mentioned

S.N. Description UOM Floor mounted Hanging type
1 Travelling speed m/sec 0.25 0.125
2 Lifting speed m/sec - 0.1
3 Installed power KW 7 9.6
Equipment Cost
4 Cost of Equipment Lacs 13.5 20
5 Rail Cost Lacs 0.4 0
6 Hanging Structure Lacs - 0.7
7 Festooning Cable Lacs 1 0
8 Spiral Chute Lacs 0.5 0
9 No. of Truck loaders Nos. 8 8
10 Equipment Cost Lacs 123.2 160
Civil cost Building
11 Total Area (Packing plant + Truck loading bay) M2 2710 4110
12 Civil Quantity m3 4342 7997
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