S. N. Item Unit Rate
Case 1-Bin Inside
Case 2-Bin Outside
(20m D x 52m H) (18m D x 45.9m H)
Qty. (in Lacs)Amount Qty. (in Lacs)Amount
Sub Total (c) 46 39
d Structural Steel
1 For Civil and bin structure work MT 80000 135 108 135 108
Sub Total (d) 108 108
Total Civil Cost A (a+b+c+d) LacsINR 734 640
Capacities: MT 10000 10000
Total Cost / Ton capacity LacsINR 7341 6396
B Mechanical Cost
1 Kiln feed bin elevator Rs.in Lacs 0 1 63.5
2 Silo feed elevator Rs.in Lacs 87.2 76.3
3 Silo accessories Rs.in Lacs 300 300
Total Cost of Mech. Installation (B) 1243.2 1099.8
Total Installation Cost (Civil + Mech) 1977 1739
C Operating Cost
1 Motor power of silo feed elevator KW 132 110
2 Power of silo feed elevator KW 97.98 81.66
3 Motor power of kiln feed bin elevator KW Nil 75
4 Power of Feed bin elevator KW Nil 46.38
5 Power tariff Rs./Unit 4.5 4.5
Operating Cost / Annum Rs.in Lacs 31 40
Table -1
- Note: Operating cost shall be validated with present condition
The below table-2 shows comparative features of two layouts mentioned above.