Table -2
- Note: Operating cost shall be validated with present condition
8.3 Conclusion
Based on the above data and comparison it is concluded that besides some
increase in power cost, it is advantageous to go in for installation of kiln feed bin
outside the storage silo due to less installation cost, time and safe maintenance
S. N. Description Bin under silo Bin outside silo
1 Silo Size (Dia x Ht) 20 mtr x 52 mtrs 18 mtr x 46 mtrs
2 No. of Elevators 0 1
3 Height of Silo Feed Elevator 60 mtrs 54.85 mtrs
4 No. of Air slides 1 Set 2 Sets
5 Maintenance Cumbersome Easy
6 Safety Risky Safe
7 Accessibility Difficult Easy
8 Environment Mostly Dusty Dust free
9 Installed power Low High
10 Total installation cost Low High