technical NOTES

(Project Pridr) #1

  • Note: Operating cost shall be validated with present condition

9.2 Observation

  • It is found that cost of counterfort retaining wall is less compared to cantilever
    retaining wall. Overall saving in cost is Rs.1.4 Cr for Permanent LS Crusher Retaining

  • Reinforcement factor is less in counterfort retaining wall.

9.3 Conclusion
When the height of wall is above 7-8 m, Counterfort retaining wall should be
adopted which is more economical compared to Cantilever wall system for RCC

Item Unit Rate

Counterfort Cantilever
Qty. Value Qty. Value
A) Contractor Cost
Concrete Cum 4682 25.18 1,17,893 29.11 1,36,293
R/F MT 10047 2.84 28,533 3.66 36,772
Shuttering SQM 603 54.6 32,924 32.4 19,537
Total A 1,79,350 1,92,602
B) Material cost
Cement MT 5000 12.59 62,950 14.56 72,775
R/F MT 46000 2.84 1,30,640 3.66 1,68,360
Total B 1,93,590 2,41,135
Total A+B 3,72,940 4,33,737
Cost Difference (Rs/RM) 60,797
Total Length of wall 232 Mtr.
Cost Difference (Lacs) 141 Lacs
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