10.9 Adaptability for Cement Plants:
Precast construction is practical for repetitive multi-storey construction like high
rise towers, warehouses, pavements etc. where the elements can be mass
produced in a factory and the cycle time from design to completion can be shortened.
For industrial structures like cement plant, where equipment types are unique and
numerous, wide spread use of precast elements becomes a costly preposition.
However, part of this cost increase can be offset through better engineering and
faster execution, reduced formwork and scaffolding at site.
Plant buildings where repetition to some extent can be achieved through better
engineering are:
- Packing plant
- Load centre
- Central control building
- Office and administrative building
- Workshop and store
- In Precast Concrete total construction time is less as compared to cast-in-situ.
- Precast concrete gives smooth interior finish hence they need minimum
preparation before paint, wallpaper etc. or the other wall coverings can be
applied directly. In the cast-in-situ concrete construction, you have to do plaster
for the smooth finish and also requires pre-preparation for a paint like wall putty
Assembly of Precast Cast Components using Mobile Crane