- Burn ability of kiln feed
- Material retention time in burning zone
- Gas retention time in burning zone
- Types of calciner - Kilns with Inline Calciners have higher potential for NOx
b. Fuel NOx:
Fuel NOx comes from the oxidation of nitrogen-containing compounds contained in
the fuel, particularly coal. Fuel NOx is attributed predominantly to Fuel nitrogen and
generating in calciner. - Prompt NOx is attributed to fuel derived Chi and atmospheric N2
- NOx content in the gas entering the Calciner
- Intrinsic reactivity of char
- Type of Fuel-Content of VM, and Nitrogen
- Coal fineness
- Temperature in the Calciner
- Type of Calciner –ILC/SLC
Description Pet coke Indian Coal South African
Proximate Analysis
Moisture% 0.8 2.1 7.4 13.3
Volatile matter % 11.4 22.5 27.2 42.4
Ash% 0.6 35.2 14.5 6.7
Fixed Carbon % 87.2 40.2 54.7 37.6
Ultimate Analysis
C % 87.2 50.8 71.02 56.0
H % 3.59 3.07 3.96 5.36
S % 4.09 0.41 0.59 1.04
N % 1.81 1.06 1.76 0.5
O % 1.91 7.36 7.63 17.1
Mineral Matter % 2.47 38.6 15.04 7.6
NCV, kcal/kg 8110 4690 6267 4900
NOx emissions: Pet coke > Bituminous Coal > Lignite > Oil > Gas
c. Raw material NOx
Raw Material NOx comes from the oxidation of nitrogen-containing compounds
contained in the raw materials.