- Lesser steam temperature & pressure drop design from Boiler outlet to Turbine
inlet. - All pumps are designed for 20% over the MCR Flow capacity and 10% over the
MCR head:
Reliability - The gear and pinion teeth shall be case carburized and ground to an accuracy
class of 4 or higher to DIN Standards - The gear box shall be capable of transmitting the maximum rating of the set and
be able to withstand 20% over speed over a period of minimum five (5) minutes.
Savings - Lower vacuum of 0.116 ata than normal selection of 0.15 / 0.2 ata - Increasing
TG Exhaust Pressure by 0.01ata the heat rate of TG set reduction by 1%, around
35 to 45 Kcal/KWH - TG roof by insulated puff sheeting instead of RCC over Rolla deck, Reduce
Construction cost by about Rs 30 Lacs per project& time. - STG with Top exhaust- To reduce Civil cost & reduce construction time Top
exhaust for Turbine is planned. To optimize civil cost (Rs 100 lacs) and to reduce
execution time by one month - EOT Capacity- Sizing shall be based on the actual lift capacity of the heaviest
equipment for maintenance - Better heat rate turbine
- Energy Efficient pumps
- VFD’s in all centrifugal pumps,
- Insulation of turbine casing (Ceramic fiber (400 mm thk.) + CAT-9 (13 mm thk
min) +SS studs + SS chicken mesh) and surface temperature shall be not more
than amb +20 Deg C
project pridr
(Project Pridr)