What are the ways to improve ACC Performance?
- Optimization of air flow system (higher efficiency)
- Installation of wind screens to counter negative effects of cross winds on ACC’s
- Installation of fogging system (adiabatic cooling)
- Elimination of hot air recirculation
- Leak detection of vacuum system
- Better and more efficient cleaning methods for finned tube bundles
Advantage of Dry Cooling System
System Wet Cooling System Dry Cooling System
Major Equipment s Cooling Tower and surface
Air Cooled Condenser
Availability of coolant Water at a cost or is it avail-
Air Is free
Plant Location Should be near water and
fuel source
Water source is not
Maintenance cost High 25% of that for wet
cooling system
Effluent treatment Necessary Not Necessary
Fouling and Scaling Major concern Not a concern
Cleaning Frequent tube side cleaning
is necessary
Occasionally fin clean-
ing is required
Total Plat set up Involves intake water, pump-
ing system and storage
No such infrastruc-
tures required
Space for complete system Same Same
Annual Energy consumption High Low