114 The SpiritualLife.
heloves. Hethinksofhisbodynotashis,but
as an instrument used by his Lord for the
world'shelping; allhisactionsaredonebecause
they are the dutygiven him byhis Beloved
doesheeat, itis not to gratifythe palate,but
does he think, it is not for the pleasure of
thinking, butinorderthat hisLord'sworkmay
bethe better done; he merges his life in the
lifehe loves,thinks,works,acts,in union with
thathigherlife, merginghissmallerrillof being
inthelarger stream,and finding a deepjoyin
feelinghimself part of the fuller life. Soitis
written: "Whatsoeverthou doest,whatsoever
thougivest,whatsoeverthou doestof austerity,