SpirituftlLifefortheManoftheWorld. 3
remember,Islargelydependent upon theutter-
anceofthosewhoseeit and arebraveenough
theyknowtobetrue,buthavenot thecourage
tospeakitoutwhile speechis still confinedto
theminority. Itisthereforethemoreimportant
that I may not be held in anything I say to
compromise in any fashion the messagewhich
here is normally delivered. For my opinions
are mine, as yours are yours,and in speaking
hereto-night I speak thetruthas I seeit,not
desiringthatanyshallaccept itwho asyetsee
it not,andleastofalldesiringthatanyword of
mineshallrenderheavierthe burden orgreater
thedifficultywhichyou (turningto Mr.Camp-
bell),sir, havetoface.
from thoughtful and earnest-minded people, a
complaintagainstthecircumstancesof theirlife,