The spiritual life

(Martin Jones) #1

144 The SpiritualLife.

theenjoymentofthefruit. ThisisGod'sway

of leading the world along the path of evolu-

tion. Heputsprizesbeforemen. Theystrive


theirpowers. Andwhen theyseizetheprize,

it crumbles to pieces in their hands-always.

If we look at human life, we see how con-

tinuallythisisrepeated. Amandesiresmoney;

hegainsit,millionsarehis; andin themidstof

his millions a deadly discontent invades him,

and a weariness of the wealth that he is not

abletouse. Aman strivesforfameandwins

it; andthenhecallsit: "Avoicegoingby,to

be lost on an endless sea." He strives for

power, and whenhe has striven forit all his


wearied statesman throws down office, weary

and disappointed. Thesame sequenceisever

repeated. These are the toys byholding out


exertthemselves, andHeHimself hideswithin

thetoyin orderto win them; for thereis no

beautyandnoattractionanywheresave thelife

ofGod. Butwhenthe toyisgrasped the life

leavesit,anditcrumblestopiecesinthe hand,

andthemanisdisappointed. Forthevaluelay

in thestruggle andnotinthe possession,inthe


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