The spiritual life

(Martin Jones) #1

Its Meaning andMethod. )49

drawntogether. FieistheDivineMerchantin

theworld,andinhim Divineactivitymustfind

handsandfeet. Andallwhotakepartinthe

ruhngandguidanceof the nation,theyalsoare

representatives of the Divine Lawgiver, and

only do their work aright as they realise that

they incarnate His lifein that aspect towards

His world. I know how strange this sounds

whenwethink of the strife of parties,and of

thepettniessof politicians; butthedegradation

of mandoesnottouchtherealityofthe Divine

Presence,and in everyruler,or fragment of a

ruler,the Divine Lawgiver isseeking toincar-

nate Himself in order that the nation may

have a national life, noble, happy, and pure.

And if onlya few men in everywalk of life

strovethustolead the spiritual life; if,casting
asideallfruitsof individualaction,theythought

of themselves as onlyincarnationsof themany

aspects of the Divine activity in the world,

howthenwouldthe lifeof theworldbemade


Andsointhelife of the home. Thehead

of thehousehold,the husband,incarnatesGod

in his relation of supporter and helperof the

life of His universe. So much has this been

seen in older days, that the Logos of the

universe, God manifest, is said in one old

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