Thcosophy and Ethics.^157
- wearefacetofacewithadifficultyastowhy
we ought. Can we gel any further than a
conditional imperative? Can we go beyond
thestatementtoMen, Ifyouwanttoreachsuch
a goal,such-and-such is the path you should
Totakehis own illustration,youmaysayto
apupil, "If youwant topaint and beagreat
you must graduallygain the knowledgewhich
underlies form, and by these many steps you
Ismoralitythe same inthis sense asArt or
Science? Isit always to depend uponan If,
sothat if Man refuses the goal heshall reject
law? Ifthat beso,itseemstomethatprogress
will beveryslow amongstmen, foryouwould
havethemfirsttoevolvethe conscience,andit
istheverytraining of the conscience forwhich
rightethicsisneeded. Youwould bewalking
constantlyinaviciouscircle havingno pointof
starting. Youwouldbeendeavouringtousea
lever with an absent fulcrum,and so find no
vantage point to which your force could be
applied. It is the categorical imperative we
need,nottheconditional. Not "IfThouwilt