Theoftophy and Ethics. 163
possibility, andso, in the Book of the Golden
Precepts, one of the most exquisite gifts that
we have received from the East through
H. P. Blavatsky, we are told, "Follow the
wheel of life; follow the wheel of duty to
raceandkin"; asthosedutiesareproperlydis-
chargedwebecomeworthyof thewiderwork.
Theheart widensoutbecauseitisneverclosed
against any. And at the very beginning of
the path, the first step the disciple is bidden
totake is to make his heartrespond toevery
under the touch, he, as string, shall quiverto
everycryof needthatcomesfromhisbrother's
lips. Butif weconfineour lovetothosewith
whomnaturehasputus,itislowerlove. The
lower love isselfish,exclusive,taking from the