6 The SpiritualLife.
His equally,and He should be served onil.
(Applause.) Tocallonedaythe Lord's Day
is to deny that same lordship to every other
dayintheweek,and so make sixpartsof the
recognisedasdedicatedto theSpirit. Andso
the common talk of men-sacred history and
profane history,religious education and secular
education-all these phrases that are socom-
monly used, they hypnotise the public mind
into afalse view^of the Spirit and the w^orld.
The rightwayis to saythat the Spirit is the
life,theworldthe form,and the formmustbe
theexpressionof thelife,otherwiseyouhavea
corpse devoid of life, and you have an un-
embodied life, separated from all means of
effectiveaction; and 1 wanttoputbroadlyand
stronglytheveryfoundationofwhatI beheveto
be all right and sane thinking in this matter.
Theworldisthe thought of God,the expres-
sionof the Divine mind. All usefulactivities
are forms of Divine activity. Thewheels of
the world are turned by God, and men are
only His hands which touch the rim of the
wheel. Allworkdone in theworld isGod's
work,ornone is His at all. Everythingthat
serves man and helps on the activities of the
world is rightly seen when seen as a Divme