The spiritual life

(Martin Jones) #1

(^186) The Spiritual Life.
implies at once thislimitation. Manifestation,

byalawof mind,atonceImpliesitsantithesis,

the absence of manifestation. To anything

which you may think comes the opposite,for

the opposite is implied in the very act of

defining. "A" implies "not-A." Therefore

we are compelled to formulate "absence of

manifestation,"and yet cannot trulybesaidto

think it. But, as I have justsaid, manifesta-

tionmust implylimitation. There islimitation

intheveryexistence of a universe; it iscon-




limitationcanauniversecomeintobeing; con-


that can be recognised as the boundary that

limits thought. Well, when that is thought

and understood, the next step is very simple.

Having diversity,havinglimitation, thereis at

onceimperfectionimplied. The perfect isun-

limited; thelimited,imperfect. Soimperfection

mustbetheresultoflimitation. Inthetotality

youmayfind perfection; inthewhole,but not

in the parts. The very moment you have

parts, multiplicity, various bodies; each body

separatelyconsidered isimperfect,because itis

less thanthewhole. Theveryfactthatitisa

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