The UseofEvil. 191
power of answering to that which is outside,
Bycomingintocontactwith the bodywhichis
violentlyvibrating, and by receiving the blow,
whatwecallthesensation of painmight arise.
Nowpainisregardedaspartof the evilofthe
universe; pain is regarded as one of those
thingswhich are the results of what is called
evil. But asamatteroffact,painistheresult
ofcontactbetweentwothingswhich separately
areinnocuous,andarisesfromthe inter-relation
of those thingswhich in theirseparate aspects
are not individually pain-producing, but only
imperfect, each by itself. When coming into
relationwith eachother,they,asitwere,work
against each other, thenthere comes outwhat
weregard as evil,andthe nature of the result
not even upon the inherent imperfections of
each that (^1) spokeof, but ontheir relations to
Nowthatleadsmetopoint out to youthat
as evolution proceeds,that which we call evil
mustnecessarilybe developed more and more.
Asevolution proceeds, theresult of theevolu-
tion is tobring into conscious existence higher