answerto the outerbeauty, the attractiveness,
of the endless objects that are scattered over
theworld. H theywere not meantto attract
theywould not be there; if theywere really
hindrances,whyshould theyhave been put in
ourpath? Justforthe samereasonsaswhen
a mother wants to coax her child into the
exertion thatwill induceittowalkshedangles
before its eyes, a little out of reach, some
dazzling toy, some tinsel attraction, and the
child's eyes are gained by the brilliant object,
andthechildwantstograspthe thing justout
of itsreach. He triestogetonhis feet,falls,
and rises again, endeavours to walk, struggles
toreach,and thevalueof the attractionisnot
in the tinsel that presently the child grasps,
crushes, and throws away, wanting something
more, but in the stimulus to the life within,