The spiritual life

(Martin Jones) #1


answerto the outerbeauty, the attractiveness,

of the endless objects that are scattered over

theworld. H theywere not meantto attract

theywould not be there; if theywere really

hindrances,whyshould theyhave been put in

ourpath? Justforthe samereasonsaswhen

a mother wants to coax her child into the

exertion thatwill induceittowalkshedangles

before its eyes, a little out of reach, some

dazzling toy, some tinsel attraction, and the

child's eyes are gained by the brilliant object,

andthechildwantstograspthe thing justout

of itsreach. He triestogetonhis feet,falls,

and rises again, endeavours to walk, struggles

toreach,and thevalueof the attractionisnot

in the tinsel that presently the child grasps,

crushes, and throws away, wanting something

more, but in the stimulus to the life within,

whichmakes himendeavour to move in order


he has won it. And the great mother-heart

by which we are trained is ever dangling in



livewithin; and inorderto induceexertion,in

ordertowinto theeffortbywhichalonethose

inward-turned powers will turn outwards mto

manifestation, we are bribed and coaxed and

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